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Positively Linked Prevention and Resilience Training Education and Support Oak Harbor WA Hero Image Bullying Page


Types of Bullying

WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON TYPES OF BULLYING?Bullying is all about power and dominance; it also doesn’t happen among social equals. Bullies target others who they perceive to be “unequal” and to gain admiration, status, and dominance.


The most common types of bullying are:

Physical: This form of bullying involves physical contact such as taking belongings, pushing, hitting, punching, tripping or spitting.


Emotional: This type of bullying involves threatening, insulting, name-calling, teasing, or inappropriate sexual or racial comments.


Social: This form of bullying involves spreading rumors, excluding someone to make them feel “left out”, encouraging others to bully, and making comments meant to cause embarrassment.


Cyberbullying: When a person is harassed online (via the internet, mobile devices, email, and social media sites).

Positively Linked Prevention and Resilience Training Education and Support Oak Harbor WA Bullying Image

According to the 2021 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey for Island County the following data was collected from grades 6, 8, 10 and 12. For the statistics listed these are the number of students who responded to the survey for each grade. 6th grade 443 students, 8th grade 475 students, 10th grade 468 students, and 12th grade 385 students.


Percent of students who were bullied:

  • 6th grade 35.7%

  • 8th grade 33.3%

  • 10th grade 14.5%

  • 12th grade 16%


Many people are bullied. It takes a great support network, resilience and desire to rise above. These celebrities have been where you are. Watch this video and use it as inspiration to move forward and get the help you need.

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